This page you're currently on. I built it with HTML, CSS and Javascript.
www.leanschuler.chI'm the CTO of PlantGuardian. We're building an automated plant watering system for indoor plants. A sensor measures the soil moisture and depending on the value and other factors, the plant is watered. The device statistics and settings can be viewed and changed in a web app.
www.plantguardian.chI built a website for organizing homework. You can add homework and exams, and you'll never forget them again. The App is not only a website, but also available as an Android app in the Google Play Store.
www.whathomework.chI made a programm which renders the Mandelbrot and Julia set. The sets can be viewed on a slippy map in the browser.
View on GithubThe main purpose of this project was to learn how to make an Android application. The application asks you different questions, and you have to answer them. If you answer enough questions, it will find the fruit you are thinking of.
View on GithubI've made a lot of other projects, but I can't list them all here.